A little story about buying wood

In the meantime, the cold season has us firmly under control again. Our living rooms are getting warmer and cozier, the smell of cookies and the fireplace are our annual routines. Of course, the pre-Christmas shopping stress, when you haven't found the right thing like a bewitched one, is also part of it. We share all these feelings with you, but especially the shopping mood, because: it's time for us to go shopping for wood! That is why we would like to address the following question today:

How does the purchase of logs actually work?

Because trees carry less water in winter, making them lighter and easier to transport on frozen forest floors, our purchasing is seasonal. This means that the demand must be planned and purchased for the whole year so that production can continue uninterrupted. It's not that easy, we can only get the tree trunks that meet our requirements through specially trained buyers and a large network of suppliers. But in order to understand where the challenges lie, you have to look a little more closely.

It is often forgotten that trees are living beings whose development is just as exciting and varied as that of other living beings. No matter how robust trees look, it is not only factors such as brute force that have an impact on their interior. Soil conditions, climate, hours of sunshine, care, wildlife population and a multitude of other factors influence the development and thus the appearance and structure of a tree. A good buyer must be able to assess and judge all of this - a real job that you have to love! It's not easy to learn a job like this, it takes a lot of time, experience and specialist knowledge.

So you can imagine that it is often not particularly easy to get enough of the best quality wood species you need. Nevertheless, we insist on continuing to purchase all our raw materials from certified and controlled suppliers.

That's the only way we can give you the most beautiful oak wood wall panels on the market in the coming year!